*Countdown To The* *#31DaysBookReadingChallengeWithDrJerryTheFirst* *1 Day To Go* Hello People We have just 1 day to go to the commencement of the 31Days Book Reading Challenge with Dr. Jerry - the First *Remember this is a PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT and so for all of us who have signified our interests to participate, it is a favour we are doing to and for ourselves and not to or for anyone else.* If you really want to benefit from this program, then you need to be in tandem with *the three good brothers - GRIT, GUT and GUMPTION* - that's the stuff that champions are made of. Let me remind us that 1. *Entry closes by 12 noon today* So if you have anyone to invite, please do so before that time 2. *Orientation and Preparation will hold TODAY - Tuesday 30th June 2020 by 7 pm on both Whatsapp and Facebook Platforms* All participants are expected to be in attendance. 3. ...