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Showing posts from October, 2020

Top Iconic Daily Quotes - Day 52

  Day 52 Quote "Good leaders do not make excuses; instead, they figure out a way to get things done"          Jacko Willink Watch and listen to the quote on Youtube

Top Iconic Daily Quotes - Day 51

  Day 51 Quote “Before it can be solved, a problem must be clearly defined".    William Feather Watch and listen to this quote on Youtube

Top Iconic Daily Quotes - Day 50

  Day 50 Quote "There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."                                                 –Aristotle Watch and listen to the quote on Youtube

Top Iconic Daily Quotes - Day 49

  Day 49 Quote "The things one regrets most in life are the OPPORTUNITIES one did not take when they arrived on his stable"                                          Dr. Jerry - the First

Unlimited Power - Chapter 17

  Chapter 17 - Anchoring Yourself To Success   A flag, like countless other things in our environment, is an anchor, a sensory stimulus linked to a specific set of states. An anchor can be a word or a phrase or a touch or an object. It can be something we see, hear, taste, or smell. Anchors have great power because they can instantly access powerful states. Our world is full of anchors, some of them profound, some of them trivial. If I start to say to you, "Winston tastes good like a..." chances are you'll automatically say, "Cigarette should." Anchoring is a way to give an experience permanence. We can change our internal representations or our physiology in a moment and create new results, but those changes require conscious thought. However, with anchoring, you can create a consistent triggering mechanism that will automatically cause you to create the state you desire in any situation without your having to think about it. Anchoring is the most

Top Iconic Daily Quotes - Day 48

  Day 48 Quote “The man who is prepared has his battle half fought.”                                   Miguel de Cervantes Watch and listen to this quote on Youtube

Top Iconic Daily Quotes - Day 47

  Day 47 Quote “Our society finds truth too strong a medicine to digest undiluted. In its purest form, truth is not a polite tap on the shoulder. It is a howling reproach.”                                          Ted Koppel

Unlimited Power - Chapter 16

  Chapter 16 - REFRAMING: The Power Of Perspective   If I asked you, "What does a footstep mean?" you would probably answer, "It doesn't mean anything to me." But what if you're sitting home alone late at night, and you hear footsteps downstairs? A moment later, you hear the steps moving toward you. Do the footsteps have meaning then? They sure do. The same signal (the sound of footsteps) will have many different meanings depending upon what it has meant to you in similar situations in the past. Thus the meaning of any experience in life depends upon the frame we put around it. If you change the frame we put around it the context, the meaning changes instantly. One of the most effective tools for personal change is learning how to put the best frames on any experiences. This process is called reframing. Reframing in its simplest form is changing a negative statement into a positive one by changing the frame of reference used to perceive the experience. There

Unlimited Power - Chapter 15

  Chapter 15 - Host To Handle Resistance And Solve Problems   This chapter is about handling resistance and solving problems. If there was a keyword in the first half of the book, it was "modeling." If there's a keyword for the second half of this book, it's "flexibility"-the one thing effective communicators have in common. Flexibility doesn't necessarily come naturally. Most of us think of settling a dispute as something akin to verbal boxing. Much more elegant is not to overcome force, but to align yourself with the force directed at you and guide it in a new direction-the metaphor of the Oriental martial arts like aikido and t'ai chi. Remember that there is no such thing as resistance, there are once inflexible communicators . It's important for us to remember that certain words and phrases create resistance and problems. Let me give you the example of one ever-present, three-letter word- "but." If someone says,

Top Iconic Daily Quotes - Day 46

  Day 46 Quote “There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being—to help someone succeed.”                             Alan Loy McGinnis Listen to it on Youtube

Top Iconic Daily Quotes - Day 45

  Day 45 Quote "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing has happened.”                               Winston Churchill Get it on Youtube