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20 Ways to Prepare Yourself For Success in Your 21-Day Challenge - Part 2

6. Test your mettle.

During the course of the 21-Day Challenge, your instinct may be to avoid temptation. To avoid eating out at lunch, to skip happy hour with friends, to disconnect your cable, to bow out of that surprise party.

And while that kind of diligent avoidance at all costs might work for some, I submit that placing yourself in compromising situations where your personal commitments to the challenge are directly tested will help you rise to the challenge and come out victorious – arguably more victorious than the person who just avoided everything all three weeks.

Plus, it’ll prepare you for real Primal life outside of the context of the Challenge, where temptation predominates.

7. Don’t overreach. Focus.

Because the Primal Blueprint is such a holistic, overarching way of life and not just a way of eating, I was torn on this one.

Should you guys try to address all the Primal lifestyle factors or just focus on one?

I worried that a narrow focus might take away from the power of the PB, which depends in large part on its broad vision.

Ultimately, I think a focused approach is the best way to tackle the upcoming Challenge.

And anyway, whether your personal journey focuses on Primal eating or sleeping better or moving more or spending more time in nature, by accomplishing any one of those goals the rest of Primal living will tend to fall into place.

It’s all designed to work in concert, after all, and it’s hard to deny the rest when one particular aspect feels so right.

8. Start a challenge journal in the Challenge Facebook forum.

Participating in the Challenge Facebook Forum is a powerful way to publicize your challenge (and hold yourself accountable to all the Challenge Forum readers), plan your challenge (by immortalizing it in writing), and reward yourself for and acknowledge the small wins (by receiving encouragement from other readers).

9. Approach the challenge with an abundance mindset.

If you haven’t thought about approaching the Challenge with an abundance mindset, do so now.

Long story short, instead of thinking about the “deprivation” of giving up foods and behaviors and habits you’ve grown accustomed to, imagine the beneficial changes you’ll be making.

Stop fretting over the food you won’t be eating and imagine all the delicious and nutritious food the Challenge will inspire you to eat. 

Don’t think of how unpleasant the workouts will be; imagine the energy and strength and vitality you’ll feel as you incorporate regular physical activity into your life.

Don’t imagine how hard going Primal will be.

Think of how good you’ll feel when you've become the new version of You.

10. Download the 21-Day Challenge app.

All those recommendations I just mentioned in the previous nine entries are built-in to the Challenge app.
If you want a community of people to compare journeys and track progress, get the app.

If you want daily challenges that test your mettle, get the app.

If you want to focus on specific goals, use the app to drill down on what really matters to you.

If you want small wins that lead to big wins, you’ll see them immortalized in the app.

If you need a calendar, the app breaks the entire challenge down, day by day. If you want to make your challenge public, there’s a whole community waiting to see what you’re made of.

Click on this LINK  and download the app

Thanks for reading this
Part 3 is up tomorrow


Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP
Challenge Director


  1. That 21 day challenge app is very essential and I am going to download it


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