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21 Days No Complain Challenge With Dr. Jerry - the First

Challenges are a great way to establish a habit over time and it has been proven that one needs just about 21 days to form a new habit or ditch an old one.

We worry ourselves to the bone when things are not going the way we expect them.

We complain to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes our way whether they are listening to us or not and when nothing seems to be a solution to what we complain about, we become disappointed and distressed and sometimes even enter into a depression.

Complaining actually signifies a lack of faith, a lack of patience and a lack of hope and no man or woman can survive on this Planet Earth without those three virtues being in abundance in their lives.

The first 3 months of any year are the best times to set intentions and then go all out to implement those intentions for a successful year.

Complaints affect us negatively and so we need to get rid of them from our lives and the best way of doing that is NOT TO COMPLAIN for 21 days
This is a great way to create a more positive life by eliminating negative statements.

You will become more self-aware, more mindful and a happier person in general.

Start by tracking what you complain about and how often.

You may be doing it without even noticing it. And chances are you are complaining about the same things to the same people. So you just need to realize that you are doing it, that is the first step.

The second step is to force yourself to stop as soon as you start complaining.

Or better yet, not let the negative words leave your mouth at all.

And if there is something serious you absolutely have to complain about, turn the complaint into looking for a solution.

Don’t just say what the problem is, also brainstorm what can be done about it.

I look forward to going on this challenge with you in the month of February 2019 starting from the 1st to the 21st

Are you in?

Click HERE  to be admitted into the Challenge Hall

Registration closes on the 30th of January 2019 while the 31st of January will be used for orientation and the Challenge proper will commence on the 1st of February 2019.

I am excited to undertake this Challenge myself and I do hope you would be excited too.

Your mindset is a muscle that can be strengthened and improved upon.

Allow this Challenge to help you

See you on the inside

Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP
Challenge Director


  1. This Challenge is worth undertaking especially as the year is fresh because it will help us to set the pace for the year - knowing what to bother about and what not to bother about. I invite you to participate

  2. Learning, continuous learning, is key to aquiring wealth. Luck beckons on those who are labouring and not through Gambling or idleness

  3. 1. Money without wisdom to handle it like a whirlwind or a birdbird fly away. So wisdom is better than gold.
    2. Inordinate affection to get wealth too quickly will inadvertently lead to illfated venture.
    Proper partnership in business can help achieve much will little individual capital, and shared risks.

  4. 1. Money without wisdom to handle it like a whirlwind or a birdbird fly away. So wisdom is better than gold.
    2. Inordinate affection to get wealth too quickly will inadvertently lead to illfated venture.
    Proper partnership in business can help achieve much will little individual capital, and shared risks.

    Matthias Zakka



    i) CHANGE: Mrs Suze orman the author points out that in all spheres of life, change is the only constant thing that will help us do well in life.

    ii)FEAR: She also points out the need for us to eradicate fear , I mean totally eradicate fear so as to be in total control of your supposed wealth and be who we want or hope to be.

    iii)HOPE: There's bound to be a way out definitely to financial freedom after following and studying this book entirely!

    My expectation for reading this challenge is to take off any fear and work towards getting financial freedom


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