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Countdown To The #No #Complain #Challenge - 3 Days To Go

Hello, My Friends,

It's a new day - Tuesday the 29th of January 2019 and it's 3 days to go to the commencement of the 21 Days No Complain Challenge with Dr. Jerry - the First.

I hope you are mentally preparing yourself for the Challenge.

It's not easy to drop an old habit and so nobody says that this will be easy but where there is a will, there will surely be a way.

So be determined to acquire this new habit of just living life simply and uncluttered and you would see how wonderful a being you'd turn out to be.

As I stated yesterday " It is often stated that happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have in our lives and start being grateful for the ones we don't have." and that's the basic truth.
So, allow yourself to become a much happier and freer person, let this Challenge help you.

I'll see you again tomorrow

Enjoy your day

Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP
Challenge Director


  1. The D-day is slowly approaching and I do hope that I am getting mentally ready and set for this 21 Days No Complain Challenge


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