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9 Steps To Financial Freedom - Preface

 9 Steps To Financial Freedom - Preface

Look back over the past fifteen years and the one constant is change. Our personal lives, as well as the world we step out into each day, may bear very little resemblance to where we were, who we were, and what we thought back then. Change isn’t just inevitable, the degree of evolution can at times be breathtaking.

And yet if there is one profound lesson I have learned over these past years, it is that deep down what you want from your life, and what you may be struggling to make of your life, has not changed at all. I didn’t have a cable television show fifteen years ago, nor were you and I able to converse through Twitter. But the same questions I field today on my show, or when you send me a tweet or e-mail that I field on my iPhone and iPad—talk about two very big changes!—are exactly the same questions my clients and I were working through together fifteen years ago when I was a certified financial planner and wrote this book.

To be sure, the investment vehicles or events that propel you to seek out my advice are very different. Back then we were just beginning to get comfortable with mutual funds; now we have next-generation exchange-traded funds. Back then many of you came to me for advice on how best to handle a pension distribution. Today very few of you working in the private sector have a pension; your retirement is instead going to rely on how well (and how much) you manage to save in your 401(k) and IRA accounts. Back then we had yet to experience the Internet bubble and the real estate bubble. And I doubt that any of us could have envisioned fifteen years ago the magnitude of the financial crisis that began in 2008 and will be reverberating through our lives for years to come.

But for all that change, you are still striving for the same elusive goal

that brought so many to The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom all those years ago: You want to stop worrying about money. You want to know deep down in every molecule of your being that you are going to be okay— that you and your loved ones will not be weighed down by the pressure and anxiety of not having enough, or not being in control of  your money.

Those are the very issues that compelled me to first write The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom. And though I have gone on to write eight more books in the intervening years, each of them overflowing with detailed financial advice, it is remarkable how The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom continues to resonate for me, both personally and as the touchstone for all the advice I give today.

What I first introduced to millions of you back in 1997—what was considered so revolutionary at the time—has never been more relevant. To master your money requires first mastering your fears. And then, as now, there is no shortage of ways that your fears are holding you back from achieving financial security. If anything, I think we can agree that many of the events of the past fifteen years have in fact made us even more fearful. That is why I am so glad you have come to discover, or perhaps rediscover, this book. Yes, it is fifteen years old, yet the lessons in these pages are absolutely timeless and incredibly timely. And rest assured, the version you have before you has been updated to include the latest financial data and regulations in effect as of 2012.

It is so very interesting to me that the field of behavioral finance has become so popular and respected in the years since The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom was first published. When I wrote this book there were some people who thought I was a bit out there to suggest that our emotions play a central role in how we handle money. Now we are so appreciative of the work behavioral economists have shared with us, helping us to understand exactly how our emotions—many of them fear- driven—can cause us to make improper or costly financial decisions. The emotional component to financial planning has certainly gone mainstream since The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom was first published.

But why is it that what I shared and taught years ago still needs to be learned today? For all the people who have come to me with stories of great triumph and success in taking control of their money, I am all too aware that many still struggle. I think part of the problem is that what transpired over the past fifteen years made it excruciatingly hard for many of you to figure out the right and honest path. In fact, so many products and the ethos of the time practically goaded you into making wrong choices. Why live within your means when there was a seemingly endless supply of credit cards willing to offer you ever-bigger credit limits? Why save for tomorrow, when you could take out a home equity line of credit today to pay for anything your heart desired? Why save more from every paycheck when you figured you could save less because big market gains would do the hard work? Maybe some of you remember that the average annualized return for the S&P 500 in the decade of the ’90s was 18 percent, nearly double the long-term historical rate of return. But so many people just assumed that 18 percent was what they could count on going forward. Only to watch the same benchmark stock index basically gain close to nothing in the first ten years of the twenty-first century. And who needed to save up for a home down payment when there was an all-too-eager lender ready to give you a mortgage with no down payment, nor any responsible consideration of whether you had sufficient income and savings to honestly afford the mortgage payments?

Lots of bad choices, lots of bad temptations. And thus, not surprisingly, still lots of fear. Maybe even more than in 1997.

But that’s why I am so excited you have this book in front of you right now. Often we need to be scared to take action. And if you are here because you are scared or fearful or just frustrated that your financial life—and therefore all aspects of your life—are not as you wish they were, the nine steps that I share with you are the foundation of everything you ever need to “learn” to become more financially secure. Dig deep to explore the emotional underpinnings of how you treat money, how you think about money, how you save money, and, yes, how you spend money, and you will unravel the mysteries of why you are holding yourself back. Yes, you.

There is no question the past fifteen years have been very challenging

—poor stock market returns, a few too many bubbles, and then the financial crisis. But please listen to me: There will always be challenges. We don’t know what will go wrong next, but we have to be  smart enough to recognize that bad things will indeed happen. That is not meant to be depressing. Anything but. For when you can accept the inevitability of there being downs along with ups, you become more willing to prepare yourself for being able to best weather the next down. And the one after that. And the one after that.

The nine steps are what will help you move forward toward a life where you can once and for all stop worrying. There is so much advice available on how to invest and save, but none of that advice is worth anything if you don’t first start by facing and overcoming the very fears that are impacting your financial life.

If you are ready to take that journey, I will be right by your side. The nine steps will not in themselves transform your life. Rather, they will give you the insights and tools that will help you take the actions that will allow you to achieve true financial freedom. Freedom from worry.

I applaud you for being ready to take the next step into that better life.



January 2012



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  1. 1. A. The writer pointed out the relevance which the book brings even after 15years of it's publishing and equally some advancements in the world technology and economy.
    B. The main issues (fear and borrowing) were identified as what holds one down in achieving financial freedom.
    C. Encouragement was given to keep hope alive even as we read the book as it will provide the tool which will enable us work towards the lifestyle changes that will aid our journey to attain financial freedom.

    2. My expectation in this reading challenge is to add more knowledge to the ones I already know on the subject matter of the book.


    i. The author, Suze Orman made us understand that even though CHANGE is constant, however 'What humans want from life and what humans struggle to make of life have not changed'
    over time !

    ii. Fear is a serious factor and it impacts negatively anyone's life
    and ultimately financial life by making us make improper or costly Financial decisions also !

    iii.To master one's money requires first mastering one's fears and no matter how badly the shape of one's Financial life is, even in ruins,the book will provide insights that will help one become Financially secure and achieve true Financial freedom; Freedom from worry !

    2.My expectations from the Reading Challenge are one; to upgrade my financial literacy and possibly become a Financial guru !

  3. 1 . The three sentence super executive summary of the portion I read so far.

    a. The writer Suze Orman
    pointed out that change is constant, for us to do well in all spheres of life most importantly, how to do with overcoming fears and facing it squarely is the ultimate goal in life.

    b.Fear of the unknown that is not taking action to better our lives has kept man not reaching his faithful potentials.

    c.The good thing is that, there is hope at the end of the tunnel, after studying this book, the nine steps to financial freedom will be actualized and helps to take action ie (decision)when necessary without any iota of doubt.
    2.My expectation for the reading challenge gears towards becoming financially knowledgeable as well knowing how to create generational wealth.


    1. As things change over the years, what we want out of life has not changed, we all still want to be free from the anxiety of not having enough money.

    2. To master our money we must master our fears because fear-driven emotions cause us to make improper financial decisions.

    3. The old advice to save for tomorrow, save from every paycheck, save for home down payment etc are still as valid today as they were 15years ago.

    I expect to learn more about money and it's management; how to make, keep and multiply it.

  5. No1

    Three (3) sentence super executive summary of this portion of the book.

    a. Even though, change is constant. Our wants, desires, and struggles in life has not changed over the years.

    b. The nine steps to financial freedom resonate with the author (Suze Orman) amongst all her other books, because the book addresses holistically the pressure and anxiety of not having enough money, or not being in control of ones money.

    c. Mastering your money requires mastering your fears. Therein lies, timely and incredibly timeless lessons to overcome your fears.


    I must confess that this is the first time I am reading a financial book with a good guide. I continue to thank *Dr. Jerry the first Aguzie JP* for crossing my part at this stage of my life.
    With his guide and strict reading of the book I believe I will master my fear and go ahead to creating a generational wealth in my family.

    a. Change is constant- Change is inevitable because of our insatiable needs and wants in our life. What we always want and how we want to get that particular thing makes us struggle with the hope to see change.

    b. To master Money, l need to master my fears- The fear factor resonate well with me as an always skeptical about which investment or Business opportunity and how l should go about it. As at now, there's no shortage of ways that my fears are holding me back from achieving financial security. Some financial decisions can be costly but l need make most of it.

    C. Time makes the difference- She said when she last wrote the book in 1997, ways considered so revolutionary at that time has never been more relevant now. Back then, we were just beginning to get comfortable with mutual funds, but now, the new generation are into exchange of trade(Forex). Back then, pension distribution was a priority as many people came to her but now, few private workers are having pension.

    2. My expectations from this reading challenge is to continue the shift of my analogue to digital mindset in reading as to acquire all the tools in this book to propel me to financial freedom.

  7. 1). The writer points out the evolving realities of the world and this book tends to profer solution to it only when the reader decisively take the preceeding action

    2). The writer was apt in stating the emotional attachment we have about money in which this book tends to address.

    3). The writer was superb in putting up a book that has capacity of standing the test of time. It's relevance has been there for up to 15years and still counting.

    4). My humble expectation is that, at the end of this exercise, I will not only have read but can be able to take decisive actions into financial freedom and independence.

  8. 3 sentence summary.

    1. The writer opinionated that even though change is constant, there are a few things which have remained fairly the same over the years e.g the need for financial freedom.
    2. Fear plays an important role to what decisions we take and don't take.
    3. Emotions also plays a critical in our financial behaviours.

    2. My expectation is to emerge from this exercise with an increased financial literacy and workable solutions to ensure I achieve my goal of being a generational wealth creator.

    Enekwechi Adaeze Faith

  9. 1. To master your money requires first mastering your fears.

    We don’t know what will go wrong next, but we have to be smart enough to recognize that bad things will indeed happen, for when you can accept the inevitability and get prepared, it becomes much easier.

    There is so much advice available on how to invest and save, but none of that advice is worth anything if you don’t first start by facing and overcoming the very fears that are impacting your financial life.

    2. I want to learn how to take advantage of the risk involved in investing.

  10. 1. *Over the years, one thing that has remained constant is change; and each passing day shows little resemblance to the previous day(s), but in all of these, deep down in our hearts are the things we want from life, the things we struggle to achieve daily that have not changed.
    * To master your money, you must master your fear(s). Many people today have made improper and costly financial decisions out of fear.
    * Whenever you can accept the inevitability of experiencing down times along with the ups, then you become willing to prepare yourself to best handle the next down time, the one after and the one after that.

    2. *Firstly, I want to develop the habit of reading different books; to broaden my knowledge on and about different areas of life;
    *Secondly, I want to gain financial knowledge to the very best level I can to help me in also gaining financial freedom; for me this book seems a good point to start.

  11. 1. 3 sentence super executive summary of this portion of the book are as follows:
    A. The writer, Suze Orman in this nine steps to financial freedom expresses that in as much as change is inevitable and that from 15 years of experience, what one wants from ones life, and what one maybe struggling to make of one's life has not changed at all.

    B. The writer through this book gave us hope and ways of overcoming fear which had frustrated our financial life; and attainment of financial freedom is being financially secured (For God has not created us with the spirit of fear but of love and sound mind).

    C. The writer went on to elucidate that nine steps of financial freedom will help us move forward towards a life where one can once and for all stop worrying.

    2. My expectations from this reading challenge is to study to show myself approve. Hence, I shall not only reading and digesting the book but also practically practice what I have read so that at the end I will be able to achieve true financial freedom and consequential result of same will be transformation of my life and my family.

  12. Okwudiri Obigwe
    1. 3 sentence super executive summary of this portion of the book are as follows:
    A. The writer, Suze Orman in this nine steps to financial freedom expresses that in as much as change is inevitable and that from 15 years of experience, what one wants from ones life, and what one maybe struggling to make of one's life has not changed at all.

    B. The writer through this book gave us hope and ways of overcoming fear which had frustrated our financial life; and attainment of financial freedom is being financially secured (For God has not created us with the spirit of fear but of love and sound mind).

    C. The writer went on to elucidate that nine steps of financial freedom will help us move forward towards a life where one can once and for all stop worrying.

    2. My expectations from this reading challenge is to study to show myself approve. Hence, I shall not only reading and digesting the book but also practically practice what I have read so that at the end I will be able to achieve true financial freedom and consequential result of same will be transformation of my life and my family.

  13. 1. A. The author of the book explains the validity and over-the-years relevance which the book carries towards answering questions related to financial and money management.
    B. The issue of fear was touched and brought up from time to time .. but the author explains that the uncertainties will be there but having a grounded understanding of how money works will go a long way in helping us.
    C. The author also explained or rather pointed out how many people got to where they are financially by opening our eyes to the many financial mistakes a lot of people made and are still making.

    2. I have the following expectations that on my journey through this book, I would
    1. Understand more about money and financial management
    2. Be able to really access and take the best possible options when it comes to financial decisions.
    3. Fully Understand this man called MONEY!


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