Hello, My Friends, It's the last day of January 2019 - it's the 31st and the last day to prepare for the 21 Days No Complain Challenge with Dr. Jerry - the First. So, it's just ONE DAY TO GO to the Challenge Are you ready? Being ready entails being physically prepared, being psychologically prepared, being mentally prepared and also being socially prepared. Because changing an old habit is like fighting a battle since it is more like refusing to nourish that thing which has been consuming our resources over time; so it will surely fight back and if we are not prepared to really get rid of it, we might succumb to the intimidation and psychological blackmail it will wage against us. So, do a check of yourself and ensure that you are ready to withstand whatever comes your way these 21 days so that you can come out tops. I wait to see you in the Challenge Hall for the Orientation Cheers to a great day Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: J...